Welcome to new 160m band blog

This blog is the replacement of the my preview Topband blog here http://topband.blog.cz/ because of an agressive advertising and flash banners inserted by the blog provider. For older posts access You can visit the old blog link which will exist still... but it will not be updated anymore.

Effective from 1st Jan 2017 please paper QSL via OM-bureau only.

Friday, October 16, 2015

PreStew here tomorrow...!

The PreStew topband distance challenge will take place from 
1500Z 17 Oct
1500Z 18 Oct. 

This is a CW only event that takes place on 160 meters.  The band has been
coming alive with good solid openings during darkness. 

The "distance" aspect of this is a unique rule where you get more QSO
points for working stations that are further away. 

For example - a station
in Oregon would get 2 or 3 points for working California - 8 or 9 points
for working the East Coast - and 15 or 16 points for working Japan.  VK6 is
worth 30 points!!

Furthermore - if you - or the other station - are running either low power
- or QRP power - the QSO is worth more for BOTH stations involved in the

This unique scoring method encourages and rewards working those weaker
signals - and benefits those who have put a lot of effort into hearing

This PreStew is a warmup for the "big" Stew that takes place on December

Full rules and results of previous events can be found at

Hope to hear you on the band tomorrow night. 
Tree N6TR/7

Topband Reflector Archives - http://www.contesting.com/_topband

73 - Petr, OK1RP