Welcome to new 160m band blog

This blog is the replacement of the my preview Topband blog here http://topband.blog.cz/ because of an agressive advertising and flash banners inserted by the blog provider. For older posts access You can visit the old blog link which will exist still... but it will not be updated anymore.

Effective from 1st Jan 2017 please paper QSL via OM-bureau only.

Thursday, June 27, 2019

Construction and design video-Beverage matching and termination by Steve, VE6WZ

Hi all,

An excellent "How to do" tutorial for low bands receiving Beverages antennas by Steve, VE6WZ can be found now on Youtube...

"A few weeks ago I uploaded a video on some 
design and construction ideas for Beverage 
matching and termination boxes. I show how to wind your own 
transformers, and present a few different enclosure methods.  
I show how I have designed and built some commercially made double 
sided boards for broadside phase boxes and 4 Beverage switch boxes 
using KiCad and OSH park.


This video is part of my "RX antenna series” which includes various 
videos about low-band rx antennas.  It is still a work in progress and 
in a week or so I will add another video about installing Beverage 
wires in the field, and a video about beverage maintenance.

73, de steve ve6wz" 
(Published on: http://www.contesting.com/_topband - Topband Reflector)

Pondering other 160m transmit antenna by Rudy, N6LF

Pondering other 160m transmit antenna

I have tested several vertical antennas, feed against buried radials 0.1 lambda long. The wire vertical component or stacked pipes or even the real tower on the hill...

I have tested also very tall (>100 ft) tree at the edge of my property vertical with moderate results on Top Band. I’m thinking of using the tree to support the vertical component, and going to an elevated radial system.

Also the grounded half loop with 30/20m vertical sections and 80m phasing elements i tested for several years including the 16x 0.1 lambda long radials laying on the ground.

This is an interesting read about elevated radials:


(Thanks to Rudy, N6LF for that article...)

73 - Petr, OK1RP