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Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Another CQ 160m DX, CW contest at OK5T - 2019

Hi all,

if you worked OK5T in CQ160 contest this year (2019) then you worked me on the key. Although it was not planned for this year the OK5T team disintegrated somehow and I stayed alone all the weekend... Never mind as all neccessary equipment has been installed so I was able to participate fully in the contest.

The most important things > Beverages has been on their places thanks to team's guys before the contest so I had the chance to test few technical innovations which I prepared for this event...

Unfortunately only IC7600 was arranged for the contest again (my K3 was in lab for new filters installation and configuration) so as I expected as the band was extremely crowded even although I used narrow filters on IC7600 the receiver / AGC has been knocked down from so strong nearby signals and I had to be very deaf even with 330m long Bevs...

The condx was not as good as we expected. I worked much less US friends and signals were really weak. I used 330m long Bevs to 320/40 degs. These beverages worked quite well and many times I noticed that there were no beeps in crowded noisy band on TX antennas from stations I worked thanks to Beverages.

My secret weapon which I prepared for this event worked well. I planned to just check the idea and test if it will be usable in such configuration. I was surprised that it improved my ability to receive weak signals from more directions at the same time athough it was redeemed by more QRM from incoming strong nearby sigs... Well maybe you are expecting which kind of "secret weapon" it was used but I can not tell you because it would no longer be "secret weapon" :)

Well I will have to test it more time and rework it a bit then I will post it over there on blog of course...

Many thanks for nice QSO to all Topbanders and hope to work you soon again.

73 - Petr, OK1RP