Welcome to new 160m band blog

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Tuesday, December 10, 2019

RGO ONE transceiver 160m option available...

Hi all,

there is good news from Boris, LZ2JR - the developer and manufacturer of the new compact high performance transceiver RGO ONE...

"At last we have working RGO ONE on 160m (1.8MHz – 2.0MHz) and 60m (5.25MHz – 5.45MHz). All needed are two boards – LPF for  160m and BPF 160/60m"

If you do not know what is the RGO ONE then more infor you can find in three parts article here: https://ok1rp.blogspot.com/
...or directly here: http://lz2jr.com/blog/

73 - Petr, OK1RP