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Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Stew Perry 2013 - game over


so Stew Perry contest is ended...

I spent all the nite from 19Z-04Z on the key and there is my short notice from this event.

In fact for me it was never the contest but more like friends party. I have small antenna at the fixed QTH and low power available only. This year I had not external RX antenna in good shape so my station performance was not high. So I did not expected so much and I wanted to meet friends on the air and send them best wishes HNY in the end of the year. 

What I realized this year as an interesting thinks during the SP?

1. I made quite lot of friends from DL. Well I am close to the DL land so it is not so unique maybe but compare to last years I found really lot of them. Very good!

2. In opposite with evenings before the SP where I heard several JAs and AS stations I did not heard or found ANY JA or UA9,0 in the SP. Well I know that they were here and my bd setup did not allowed me to hear them maybe. OK, but at least JA7NI, HL1IVL and some few other good friends I expected :( Very bad!

3. The same situation was in my area with VK/ZL. I really looked for VK6VZ, VK2BJ, ZL3IX and I was really disappointed that I did not catch beeps from Oceania and even I did not hear the pile-up for them around known QRGs (28.5) Very bad!

4. Last interesting think was condx to NA in the second half of the nite. I expected that US sigs will come up after 02Z and will building until my SR. I really noticed first US friends around 02Z. The first readable signal came from Krassy, K1LZ. After I found on the band few another sigs from Charles, K3WW then John, WF2W and Barry, N1EU. 
After them around 02:20Z when the condx peaked over here I found also several others but most of them were noticeable but I did not copy. I worked K1LZ, K3WW, WF2W and I tried to catch Barry as his signal built up to S7 here around 02:25Z but no luck. My small pistol barefoot station and low profile loaded half sloper at 11m was not enough to go over sea. 

"The best signal" winner this event is John, WF2W who peaked over here around 02:15Z with 599 even on TX antenna! Congrats John!

The most surprising was the very quick drop of the condx after 02:30Z. All signals from overseas went down and after 03Z I did not hear anybody from USA. I expected the second peak during my SR but NIL! No beeps from US stations at all until the daylight. Very bad.

OK I worked total 118Q and 3xUSA. It was fun for me even although I will not win any category or any plaque. Maybe I am candidate for "no RX antenna used" or "worst results EU" plaque this year, hi.

Did You experienced the similar behavior with conditions this year in SP?

73 - Petr, OK1RP

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